The role of diet in Acne
Jean Louw Jean Louw

The role of diet in Acne

Many wonder if certain foods, like chocolate, cause acne. However, there’s no solid scientific proof yet. The best advice is to avoid foods you notice trigger your acne.

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Understanding and Managing Adult Acne
Jean Louw Jean Louw

Understanding and Managing Adult Acne

Adult acne, defined as acne that emerges after age 25, is a prevalent skin condition among adults. It is influenced by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, lifestyle choices, and genetic predisposition. Unlike teenage acne, adult acne typically appears on the jawline and chin and is more inflammatory, often presenting as pimples rather than blackheads or whiteheads. Treatment options include topical and oral medications, as well as lifestyle modifications to manage symptoms effectively. Consulting a dermatologist is crucial for proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plans.

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