An image of a dermatologist's office during laser therapy for blood vessels

Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment for Vascular Lesions

Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapies are effective treatments for vascular lesions, targeting excess blood vessels in the skin. These treatments are ideal for individuals with fair skin and are used to treat various types of small blood vessels, like tiny red vessels on the face and nose, spider angiomas and a type of red vessel called a Campbell de Morgan spot.

Additionally, diffuse redness, which is sometimes mistakenly associated with excess alcohol consumption, can be treated by targeting microscopic blood vessels that are not visible to the naked eye.

The treatment involves covering the patient's eyes with goggles and applying a thin layer of gel to the treatment area. The laser or IPL device is then moved over the skin, emitting bright flashes that target the blood vessels. The procedure can be uncomfortable, especially when treating areas like the cheeks, but most patients tolerate it without the need for analgesics. For sensitive areas, such as the cheeks, taking a painkiller beforehand is often recommended.

Most patients require between 1 and 3 treatment sessions, depending on the number and type of blood vessels being treated. Results can vary, but patients can generally expect a 50-90% reduction in visible blood vessels. After treatment, immediate swelling and redness are common, indicating successful targeting of the blood vessels. The swelling may increase over the next day or two before gradually subsiding, and the treated areas can be easily concealed with makeup.

While the results of laser and IPL treatments are generally long-lasting, blood vessels can reappear if the underlying causes, such as excessive sun exposure, are not addressed.

The cost of the treatment varies based on the size of the area being treated.