An image showing the armpit of a man before botox injections for axillary hyperhidrosis

Botox for sweaty armpits

Botox for Sweaty Armpits

Excessive underarm sweating can be a significant social issue. When regular antiperspirants aren’t enough, Botox injections in the underarms offer an effective solution. The procedure is quick and straightforward, providing dryness for 3 to 9 months. Many patients opt to have this treatment once a year, particularly before summer.

Procedure Overview

  1. Preparation: An iodine solution is applied to the underarm skin, which temporarily stains the skin a brownish color but washes off easily afterward. Cornstarch is then brushed over the stained area.

  2. Identifying Sweat Glands: Sweat interacts with the iodine and cornstarch, turning the sweaty areas purple. This highlights the specific spots that require Botox treatment. For some, only a small area is affected, reducing the amount of Botox needed.

  3. Botox Injection: A grid pattern is drawn over the purple-stained areas, and Botox is injected into the center of each grid square. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes. The injections cause minimal discomfort since they are very superficial and use a fine needle. For those who are particularly sensitive to needles, a numbing gel can be applied 30 minutes before the injections.

Cost and Effectiveness

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the size of the treated area. Patients can expect effective results that reduce sweating significantly, enhancing comfort and confidence.